How to Do Snatch Grip Deadlift: Muscles Worked & Proper Form

Snatch Grip Deadlift exercise technique

Muscles Worked in Snatch Grip Deadlifts

Muscles worked in snatch grip deadlifts

Primary muscles worked:

Secondary muscles worked:

How to Do Snatch Grip Deadlifts

  1. Step up close to the bar, so that it is about over the middle of your foot.
  2. Inhale, lean forward and take a wide grip, like in a snatch.
  3. Hold your breath, brace your core slightly, and lift the bar.
  4. Pull the bar close to your body, with a straight back, until you are standing straight.
  5. Lower the bar back to the ground with control.
  6. Take another breath, and repeat for reps.


Snatch grip deadlifts, as the name states, is a variant of the regular deadlift where you take a much wider grip – the same as in a snatch. The wider grip means you will have to lean forward and bend your hips, knees and ankles more to reach the bar. Your upper back muscles will also have to work harder to stabilize your shoulders.

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