How to Do Ball Slams: Muscles Worked & Proper Form

how to do ball slams technique

Muscles Worked in Ball Slams

muscles worked in ball slams

Primary muscles worked:

Secondary muscles worked:

How to Do Ball Slams

  1. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, your knees and hips slightly bent, holding the ball in both hands at chest height. Engage your core, and keep a good posture.
  2. Extend your knees and drive your hips forward while simultaneously lifting the ball. Aim for being as tall as possible, the ball overhead, arms up, hips slightly forward, and on your toes from the force of your drive.
  3. Use your core and arms to slam the medicine ball straight down between your feet with as much force as possible. Press your hips back and bend your knees to further power the slam. Exhale as you slam the ball down.
  4. Squat down to pick up the ball from the floor, then immediately move into the next slam by repeating the movement. Repeat for reps or time.


The ball slam is an excellent compound exercise that will work out a variety of muscles and raise your heart rate at the same time. As a bonus, you get to release some stress by slamming a ball as hard as possible into the ground.

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