3-Day Intermediate Powerlifting Program

Intermediate Powerlifting Program

In this post, I outline a 3-day intermediate powerlifting program and explain how and why your training should differ from the beginner’s. Progressing from the beginner to the intermediate stage can be frustrating since it often means that you’ve reached your first plateau in strength. But worry not. With a few adjustments to your training, you … Read more

3-Day Beginner Powerlifting Program

Beginner Powerlifting Program

So you want to get started in powerlifting, and you are looking for a good beginner powerlifting program? Good decision. Choosing the right program sets you off to a great start in lifting and puts you on an upward trajectory of muscle and strength gains for years to come. Choosing the wrong program, on the … Read more

The 10 Best Lower Chest Exercises to Build Your Pecs

Lower chest exercise

Do you want a big and strong chest? Then you need to develop both the upper, middle, and lower chest muscle fibers. In this article, I’ll list ten of the best lower chest exercises and how you can put them together into a lower chest workout. In order to understand the exercise choices, let’s begin … Read more

Powerlifting Pronto: 5 Days/Week Powerlifting Program

Powerlifting Pronto program

Powerlifting Pronto is our minimalistic powerlifting program. It is six weeks long and you work out five days per week. This program can best be described as a stripped-down version of our popular program Powerlifting Polka. The latter is a more comprehensive powerlifting program, with a higher total training volume and longer workouts. But what … Read more

How Long Should You Rest Before a Powerlifting Competition?

Powerlifting competition squat

Key Points: A new study found that neither three nor five days of rest affected isometric squat strength. Isometric bench press strength was unaffected after three days but decreased by 2.4% after five days of rest. *** Preparing for a powerlifting competition often includes some form of taper or peaking. Generally, this peaking includes at … Read more

Bench Press Boogie: Six Week Bench Press Training Program

Bench Press Boogie Program

Was it a long time since you broke a personal record in the bench press? Does it feel like you have reached a plateau in your strength and are not moving forward? Few things are more satisfying than the feeling of bench pressing a heavier weight than you have ever lifted before. The sad part … Read more

Beginner Machine Program, 2x/Week

Beginner machine program

So you want to get started with strength training? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, I’ll outline a simple but effective training program for beginners. The program is entirely based on machines, and you’ll be working out twice per week. This program is available completely free in our workout tracker StrengthLog , … Read more

Chest Press vs. Bench Press: 17 Pros and Cons

Chest Press Machine

The machine chest press and the bench press are two popular exercises that both work your chest, front delts, and triceps. The chest press is generally safer and easier to learn, but the bench press has helped more lifters build muscle and reach high levels of strength. Depending on your goals and circumstances, both exercises … Read more