How to Do Jumping Lunges: Muscles Worked & Proper Form

Jumping lunges technique

Muscles Worked in Jumping Lunges

muscles worked in jumping lunges

Primary muscles worked:

How to Do Jumping Lunges

  1. Take a big step forward with your right leg and sink as deep as possible in a lunge position without hitting the knee of the back leg on the floor.
  2. Explosively jump up, switching the position of your legs while in mid-air. As you land, make sure to soften the landing and go directly into the lunge position with your left leg forward. Your front knee should be over your ankle and your back knee should be pointing down towards the floor.
  3. Continue alternating legs with each jump. Maintain a steady pace and keep your torso upright throughout the exercise.


Jumping lunges are an alternative to regular lunges. The explosive jumping motion enhances muscle power and agility, targeting more muscle groups than a regular lunge. It’s an excellent way to improve balance and coordination while making it a highly efficient exercise for those looking to elevate their workout intensity.

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