How to Do Cable Rear Delt Row: Muscles Worked & Proper Form

Cable Rear Delt Row exercise technique

Muscles Worked in Cable Rear Delt Row

Muscles worked in cable rear delt row

Primary muscles worked:

Secondary muscles worked:

How to Do Cable Rear Delt Row

  1. Fasten a rope handle in a high position on a cable pulley. Grip the ropes with an overhand grip, and take a step or two back.
  2. With elbows held high, pull the rope towards you by letting your upper arms move straight out towards your sides. Pull your scapulas together in the end position.
  3. Return with control to the starting position, by letting your arms move forward again.


This variation of the cable row focus the work to the rear deltoids and your upper back musculature. Start with a light weight in this exercise, and prioritize form and muscle contact before weights.

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