How to Do Cable Curl With Rope: Muscles Worked & Proper Form

Cable Curl With Rope exercise technique

Muscles Worked in Cable Curls With Rope

Muscles worked in Cable Curl With Rope

Primary muscles worked:

Secondary muscles worked:

How to Cable Curls With Rope

  1. Fasten a rope in the lower position of a cable cross. Grip the rope with a neutral grip and take a step back.
  2. Lift the rope with control, by flexing your elbows.
  3. Don’t let your upper arm travel back during the curl, keep it still or move it slightly forward.
  4. Reverse the movement and lower the rope back to the starting position.


Cable curl is an alternative to the barbell curl that offers more of a constant tension on your muscles throughout the movement. Because the direction of pull is slightly diagonal to the ground, it is harder for the arm flexors to relax in this exercise. This might be beneficial for muscle growth.

Cable curl with a rope where you hold a neutral grip will slightly unload the biceps brachii, and thus isolate the brachialis and brachioradialis more.

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