StrengthLog’s Full Body Workout Routine, 3x/Week

Full body hypertrophy workout program

A full body workout routine offers numerous benefits for strength, muscle gain, and overall fitness.  By training your entire body two or three times per week, you engage all your major muscle groups each session, allowing for maximum workout intensity, recovery, and muscle growth. It’s also a very time-efficient way to structure your training week … Read more

The 10 Best Chest Exercises for Muscle & Strength

Chest exercise

Your chest muscles are one of your upper body’s largest and most visible muscle groups. The chest muscles are important for athleticism as they are involved in all pressing and pushing movements in front of your body. And a pair of well-developed pecs is an important part of creating the classic muscled torso that exudes … Read more

Deadlift vs. Squat: Muscles Worked, Benefits, and Strength Ratio

Deadlift vs squat

Key Points: *** The squat and the deadlift are two of the most popular strength training exercises in the world. Based on millions of workouts in our workout tracker StrengthLog, they are the second and third most trained exercises, surpassed only by the bench press. While squats and deadlifts work many of the same muscles … Read more

Shoulder Workout for Muscle & Strength (5 Exercises)

Shoulder workout

Your shoulder muscles are among the largest muscles in your upper body. They are essential for building an impressive and balanced physique and are crucial for functional strength. Strong shoulders enhance your performance in many sports and daily activities, providing power and stability in a wide range of motions. This article contains an effective shoulder … Read more

How to Train Your Calf Muscles: Exercises & Workout

Calf muscles

Your calf muscles are among the largest muscle groups in your body. Located on the back of your lower leg, they are the muscles that are always working when you are on your feet. For sprints and jumps, your calves are responsible for extending your foot and propelling you forward and upward. For aesthetics, your … Read more

Arm Workout With Dumbbells at Home

arm workout with dumbbells at home

Are you looking for the best dumbbell workout to build strong arms and muscular biceps and triceps? StrengthLog’s Arm Workout With Dumbbells at Home has everything you need to build bigger arms in the comfort of your home and without expensive gym equipment. This article outlines the workout, details the exercises, and provides a pro … Read more

The Best Overhead Press Workout Plan for Stronger Shoulders

Press Pasodoble – a popular training program for the overhead press

Most people in love with the barbell, still give up on the overhead press (also know as military press and standing barbell press), without ever giving a dedicated workout plan for stronger shoulders a shot. It’s just too much hard work. Lifting more weight in the squat, deadlift or even bench press is easy in … Read more

How Many Exercises Should You Do per Muscle Group? (Guide)

Strength training to build muscle

How many exercises should you do per muscle group for it to grow as fast as possible? That depends on the muscle. The difference? Their direction of muscle fibers, the different muscle heads, and their different functions. This guide contains recommendations for how many exercises you should do for each of your major muscle groups … Read more

How to Train Your Lats: Exercises & Workout

Lats training exercise

Your lats, or latissimus dorsi, is the largest muscle in your upper body. It is one of your most powerful pulling muscles, and creates the coveted V-shape when it is well-developed. In this article, you will learn how to train your lats effectively. From lat muscle anatomy, to the best exercises for increasing your lat … Read more

How to Train Your Trapezius Muscle: Exercises & Workout

Trapezius muscle training

Your trapezius muscle, or traps, is a large muscle covering your upper back. Its main function is to support your arms and shoulders, and rotate and move your scapula. Your traps are involved in a variety of upper body movements and exercises, such as deadlifting, pulling, rowing and overhead pressing. In this article, you will … Read more