The 10 Best Front Delt Exercises for Muscle & Strength

Front delt exercises

Your deltoids, or shoulder muscles, are among the largest muscles in the upper body and are essential for both function and aesthetics. They are involved in most athletic activities and are invaluable in everyday life. In addition, research suggests that the shoulder muscles are often seen as a stand-out part of the ideal physique, appealing … Read more

5 Differences Between Incline Bench Press vs Flat Bench Press

Incline Bench Press

The incline bench press and the flat bench press are both great exercises for building your chest and shoulder muscles. While they train the same major muscle groups, there are still some differences. In this article, I break down five of the biggest differences between the incline bench press compared to the classic flat bench … Read more

How to Train Your Front Delts: Exercises & Workout

Front delt muscle training

Your front delts, or anterior deltoids, is the front part of your shoulder muscle. It originates on your clavicle, inserts on your humerus (upper arm bone), and aids your chest muscles in flexing and internally rotating your shoulder. In this article, you will learn about front delt muscle anatomy, what some effective front delt exercises … Read more

How Much Does Triceps Contribute to Your Bench Press?

Bench press triceps powerlifting

Key Points: In a wide-grip bench press, your chest and shoulders contribute 78% of the force necessary to lift the bar, while your triceps contribute 22%. In the medium grip bench press, the same numbers are 74% vs. 26%. In the close-grip bench press, the same numbers are 63% vs. 37%. How much can you … Read more