The 10 Best Lower Chest Exercises to Build Your Pecs

Lower chest exercise

Do you want a big and strong chest? Then you need to develop both the upper, middle, and lower chest muscle fibers. In this article, I’ll list ten of the best lower chest exercises and how you can put them together into a lower chest workout. In order to understand the exercise choices, let’s begin … Read more

Chest and Back Superset Workout for Bodybuilding (7 Exercises)

chest and back superset workout

Your chest and back are two of the most important muscle groups for an impressive upper body, both for performance and bodybuilding purposes. This article outlines a superset workout for chest and back, guaranteed to give you the pump of your life, trigger muscle growth, and save time. You’ll also find the workout in the … Read more

Intermediate Bench Press Program, 2–3 Days/Week

Intermediate bench press program

How do you get stronger in the bench press as an intermediate lifter? In this post, I’ll outline an intermediate bench press program and also explain how and why your training should be different from the beginner’s. Still a beginner? Check out our beginner bench press program. If you’ve left the beginner phase behind, read … Read more

How Much Does Triceps Contribute to Your Bench Press?

Bench press triceps powerlifting

Key Points: In a wide-grip bench press, your chest and shoulders contribute 78% of the force necessary to lift the bar, while your triceps contribute 22%. In the medium grip bench press, the same numbers are 74% vs. 26%. In the close-grip bench press, the same numbers are 63% vs. 37%. How much can you … Read more